Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wrap Parties and Random Thoughts

Wrap Parties and Random Thoughts So, this movie I'm working on right now is called 'Chapter 27' and it stars Jared Leto as the guy that shot John Lennon.  I don't get the name, though.  Maybe it has something to do with the whole 'Catcher in the Rye' business.  Beats me.  I was only on set for 3 days anyway.  It's not like I read the script or anything.  I was there for the Lennon shooting scene. Of course, being there for a big scene is not as exciting as watching it on the big screen.  Movie making is a pretty painstakingly slow process.  It usually only takes somebody new a day of watching the same 30 second scene over and over and over again to realize that filmmaking isn't the glamorous lifestyle they thought it was.
Jared Leto has kind-of chunked up for this role.  I saw him on-set before I realized who he was and thought to myself, 'Huh. That guy kind-of looks like a fat Jared Leto.' And he actually was.  Some of the guys were saying that Lindsay Lohan plays his girlfriend in the movie, but I wasn't around for that part anyway.  Not that I care, as evidence from the line I wrote for Nic in Episode 4 when Pothed turns the camera back on ("All I'm saying is, who gives a fuck about Lindsay Lohan, anyway").  I like coming up with those kind of lines, where you're just catching the tail end of a conversation and the comment sounds so random.
I have a wrap party tonight to go to in the meat packing district.  Some place called Level 5.  The cast rarely shows up for wrap parties, though.  Although Kevin Bacon and his wife Kyra Sedgewick partied down at our midway party for Loverboy, that movie I worked on that is never going to be released.  They're probably just waiting on the next crazy mom that kills her kids to be in the paper, since that's what the story's basically about.  It's all about timing...
So I'm probably going to this party, even though I don't know a whole lot of the crew members. Hey, free drinks, right?  I got one more day of wrap on Tuesday, but it doesn't look too bad.  Should be a pretty easy day. 
Guess that's all the news I've got right now.  I'm still having trouble scheduling times to finish shooting Episode 5 of Pothedz Couch.  I've got the whole episode mapped out now, but everybody has stuff to do at all sorts of conflicting times.  Oh well, I hope our fans haven't given up on us by the time we finish this one.  I've started writing on Ep. 6 already, too.  It's gonna be pretty damn funny if we can pull off everything that's in my head. 
Blogging is still a wierd experience for me.  It's sort of like, "Here you go world.  Have a look at the random stuff in my head today."  Not that the whole world cares what I'm thinking.  It's just that now they have access to that info, if they want it. Whatever. Until next time,...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow Daze & A New Job!

Snow Daze & A New Job! I finally got a call for a new job!  The pay isn't that great, and I'm only working 5 days from this Wednesday to next Tuesday, but at least it's something.  And now that I'm back in the freelance PA loop I'm sure they'll be more to follow.  I don't know yet what the project is... some indie movie.  I'm just working with the art dept. the last week of it over in Brooklyn.
So, you may have heard that we got a couple of feet of snow here in NYC yesterday, which I can assure you we took full advantage of by making snow ice cream and having snowball fights on the roof and down the street at the Hell's Kitchen park that they finally finished fixing up.  We tried  to film some snow stuff with the puppets, but all we really did was dump snow on them and then we went back to playing in the snow ourselves. Later last night, we ended up going to this bar down the street that had free drinks for a couple of hours because it was there 1-year anniversary or something.  All in all, it was a fun day, but I ended up a lot more sore today than I would have thought a day of snow ball fights and a night of drinking would have left me.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fan Mail

Fan Mail Ok, so check this out.  I got some fan e-mail for the show from a Brazilian guy living in Switzerland!  WTF?? And from his e-mail, he doesn't even speak English all that well.  I hadn't even thought of the possibility that someone would end up watching our show in another country!  The Internet.  What an amazing invention... 

Monday, February 6, 2006

My Blog

My Blog So, uh... where to begin?  It still seems wierd to me that diary-type things like this have gone from being under lock and key to being broadcast to the world, but... whatever.  My thoughts right now...?  Well my main though is that I wish I had a job.  I kind-of got screwed over by the place I was working, Pyburn Films, when I came back from Christmas break.  It was pretty good money while it lasted, but I guess I was getting tired of working in an office.  Although I did enjoy taking advantage of their computers to help with our show (Pothedz Couch).  Oh, well.  Hopefully, I'll be back working on set soon.  Just have to wait on that elusive PA phonecall.  I like the wierd hours of being a freelance PA on film & TV stuff, but sometimes waiting on that phonecall for your next job can be murder.  I made some calls to some friends to try and drum up some more work, but so far... nada. At least I have stuff for the show to keep me occupied.  If only I could start making money off of it...  Soon, I think.  I want to put a few more episodes (at least one) on public access before I go commercial, because once we go commercial, we aren't allowed on public access anymore.  We'll probably sell T-shirts and shit like that, but we can't sell things like DVD's because of some of the songs and stuff we used in the show that we haven't gone through the process of clearing the rights (because we have no money).  I hope we'll be able to make rent (rent sucks in NYC, we have basically a closet in Hell's Kitchen that cost $1300 a month!).
    Changing gears from my personal life to politics and religion (HUGE jump), how about all the muslim rioting over those Danish cartoons. (To sum up, a Danish newpaper printed some political cartoons that had the muslim prophet Mohammed portrayed in them.  Islamic law forbids portrayal of the prophet in any way, an idea intended to keep from turning praise of the prophet into idol worship, much like they believe Christians often do with Jesus, by calling him Lord and God and all)  Wow.  Talk about a bunch of tight-asses.  Learn to take a joke.  The funny thing is, the Danish paper put out those cartoons as an exercise in not censoring themselves when it comes to muslim issues.  Well, I think that plan may have backfired.  I think we forget that freedom of speech is still a radically new concept in the world and not everybody agrees with it.  The main thing I don't get is why do these muslim countries think we're bound by their religious law?  And don't they understand that by taking the defacement of the image of their prophet so seriously, that it borders on the idol worship that Mohammed was trying to avoid.  Oh, irony abounds in the world and the joke is on all of us.