Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What I've been up to...Part III

What I've been up to...Part III

So...where was I...

Another movie I worked on was called "The Toe Tactic" that was actually kind-of cool for an indie, but you can never really tell until you see the end product.  It was written/directed by the woman (Emily Hubley) who did the animations in 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch'.  It's 1/3 live-action, 1/3 animation, and 1/3 animation over live-action.  It's kind-of an odd story about these animated dogs playing this weird card game with an animated bird where they watch this girl's real life and every time they see an object in the real world that matches one of the cards they have they hit a bell on the table, an animated sequence starts, and they jump into the real world an alter one thing slighty, then jump back into animated world, all to help the girl deal with the death of her father.(wow. what a long-ass sentence).  You probably wouldn't know any of the real life actors in it, but two of the animated dogs are David Cross (Mr. Show, Arrested Development) and Jane Lynch (the lesbian dog trainer from Best in Show).  Anyway, it should be pretty good, but it may turn out to be very "independent".

One cool thing I worked on was "The Bourne Ultimatum", the third in the Matt Damon/Jason Bourne series.  I only did one or two days, but I got to see a really cool stunt where we had to close down a whole block in Chelsea (which of course really pissed off a bunch of people that we PAs had to deal with).  The basic jist of the scene is that Matt Damon's character at this point in the movie has stolen a cop car and is engaged in a big chase scene where a bunch of other cars are chasing him.  Suddenly a car pulls out of a parking deck, which Matt Damon's car narrowly avoids, but the one of the cars behind him smashes into it, spins it, an it goes slamming into other cars down the street. Awesome, right?  They only did the actual crash twice; the rest of the day was mainly coverage of the scene without the crash, but the rigs they used for the cars were really cool.  One had this go-cart type thing on top of the car Matt Damon was "driving" where the stunt driver sat.  At first, I thought the rig was for the camera, but then I realized the guy on top was DRIVING!. Another one had the go-cart looking thing way in the front of Matt Damon's car, with the camera and a couple of guys right behind him, facing the front of the actual car.  Anyway, it was a pretty cool day of smashing up cars!

Aside from that, I worked a couple of foreign films, one called "The Father Game" by some German guy, and "Restless", which I think was an Israeli film.  Neither one of them was really cool or remarkable in any way...

A couple of weeks ago, I worked the MTV Road Show, which basically was an MTV upfront (upfronts are those things where the network unveils and hypes their new shows for investors and advertisers).  I actually have a camera now, so I'll try to put the pictures I took at it up when I get home (I'm actually at work right now).  That band Gym Class Heroes played for the entertainment (they sing that song that samples that 70's Supertramp song that goes 'Take a look at my girlfriend, she's the only one I've got, ba da ba da da'...).  They also has Three 6 Mafia and those girls form that one show "Taquita and Kaui",as well as the guys from the show 'Human Giant'.  I was gonna get pics with all of them, but I never did find the right opportunity.

This brings me to my current job, the Survivor XIV Fiji Reunion (which I'm sitting at now...wasting time ;).  This is my third year working it, and it's a pretty good gig with some fun people.  Anyway, I guess that gets us all caught up now...

Until next time....

What I've been up to... Part II

What I've been up to... Part II

Ok. Part deux.
So, I also did a few days on Law and Order, the staple for New York TV employment.  Usually, during the winter, shooting on TV and film slows down a lot, but Law and Order is one of the few reliable steady gigs that works through the winter. Luckily, I had a friend working as key PA, so I was able to get hooked up with some work during those cold winter months.  I don't really remember what the episode was about, except that we were outside and they surrounded some house with a bunch of cop cars and then rushed the house and pulled some guy out.

So, I'm actually at work right now, so I'll finish this entry up in a little while...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What I've been up to.... Part I

What I've been up to.... Part I Hello again, freinds and fans.  I've actually tried posting a new blog a few different times in the past month, but everytime something has gone horribly wrong (usually on a wireless laptop) and my post has evaporated into the ether... Well, here I go again on an impossible long catch-up attempt that hopefully will reach you instead of dissappearing into the nether regions of computer space:
So...November.  Was that really the last time I wrote something!?  Don't get me wrong, nothing THAT major has happened in the past 6 months to change the course of my life or anything, just a lot of good stories that I'll probably mess up the details on now, if I can remember them at all.  I'm going to attempt to write in this thing more often, but I think I always say that....
Ok.  Let's start where I left off last..."The Accidental Husband".  So, like I said before, it's a romantic comedy with Uma Thurman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Colin Firth.  I was mainly working additional days here and there on it, but they had to shut down production last year 'cause Uma broke her wrist.  At first I heard it was because of a accident on set involving a process trailer, but then somebody told me she fell off a ladder at her place in Connecticut.The funny thing was, since I was only working additional days, I found out only later by reading some tabloid magazine that the reason I hadn't heard from them in a while was because Uma had broke her wrist...
Ok. Now in an effort to make sure this posts and doesn't dissappear, I'll get back to you in the next post with part 2....