Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Blackouts and Breakdowns - Returning from the Ashes

Blackouts and Breakdowns - Returning from the Ashes

It's been a little while since I've written anything, but for good reason. After we got pushed out of our apartment in midtown Manhattan by our scumbag landlord, we ended up in Astoria, Queens.  The good news is that our new place is bigger; the bad news is that it's still more than we can really afford.  Not long after we had settled in, we had to live through the infamous Queens blackout (the power was out for days during the hottest time of the year when a bunch of feeder cable failed).  The icing on the cake was when my computer died, trapping all of the website and show stuff in it.  Ugh.  So, I bought a new computer (on credit, of course) and I am currently working on totally remaking the site and all the graphics for the show.  Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes...  I swear, sometimes I have the hardest time figuring out what to take as an obstacle to be overcome and what to take as a sign to change direction. 

In other life news, right now I'm working with the Art Department on a Nickelodeon show called "The Naked Brothers Band".  It's a fake 'reality' show about these kids who have a band and are supposedly big rock stars.  Whatever.  It pays the bills... barely. 

Anyway, things are returning to normal now, for the most part.  Hopefully, we're on an upswing.  I'll try to be more consistent in writing in this, but it's tough with all the site redesign stuff.  'Til next time...

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